As for the solution to cyberbullying, we have come up with a different solution on how to stop it from happening near in the future. The following info is the solution for cyberbullying. The first one is to prohibit social media, using tech tools to prevent themselves from being bullied, ask for some help from our closest people, and last but not least make a report.

- Teenagers' direct access to the internet and other social media is prohibited. 

Parents should learn to control their children's internet access by encrypting their gadgets. For example, parents can install encryption codes in their children's devices so that when they use the internet, their parents are aware of it and can keep a watch on them. By doing so, this appropriate remedy may prevent them from engaging in cyberbullying.

- Teenagers can use tech tools to prevent themselves from being bullied online.

Teenagers can use tech tools to prevent themselves from being bullied online. Nowadays many online platforms have some mechanism that helps to fight cyberbullying from happening. For example, Facebook and Snapchat had anti-bullies policies that prevent their users from committing any kind of cyberbullying while using the application, and if this activity occurs these platforms will punish the preparator. While for applications like Whatsapp and Telegram there are block and report functions that can be used when cyberbullying happens. So the main advantage when using this way is that teenagers can simply ignore it as they were not directly confronted with it and know about it as it never happens.

- It is extremely important to work to delete cyberbullying because hundreds of lives can be saved. 

With my purpose solutions, can avoid many victims of cyberbullying from having low self-esteem, depression and consider suicide. If we don't take action, cyberbullying can affect anyone and cost someone their life. It is extremely important to work to delete cyberbullying because hundreds of lives can be saved.

- Ask for some help from our closest people such as teachers or parents. 

In this case, I learned that an individual must embrace themselves to overcome some problem as stated in this case study. Other than that, we must find the best way to embrace our problem. In this way, solving problems can generate confidence by overcoming our problems. Furthermore, we also can ask for some help from our closest people such as teachers or parents. In this way, we can get some advice or answers towards some obstacles.

- Make a report to the authorities.

As an example, how can we do the report regarding having some people doing cyber bullying among one another? If we are on social media, we can support them by reporting content to Facebook or Instagram which can assist us in better protecting them on their platforms. This is because bullying and harassment are highly personal in nature, we often require a person to report this behavior to us before we can detect or eliminate it.
