Problem Solving Process.

        For our purpose suggestion or solution based on the case study which is CyberBullying Among Teenagers, the first solution is thru parents controlling teenagers device. This is often because parents are the closest person with their children before anyone else. It makes it easier to own an eyes towards their daily activities since most of them live under the identical roof. Hence, this proposed are the primary best solution on the way to avoid cyber bullying from happening near within the future.

        Secondly, influencers on the internet must show a good example. Like we all know, nowadays almost all teenagers have their own device that they use to browse anything on the internet. So there must be some that use it to view livestream content like gaming, casual talk and many more. If the influencers do something like trash talk during their gaming live stream session, for sure the teenager will follow it in the future. This is due, the teenagers admire that person and want to become like them, hence they thought that by doing that particular action will achieve their dream. Furthermore, they will think that this action is normal because their idol is doing it.

        Next,Cyberbullying is defined as the intentional and repetitive infliction of harm through the use of electronic devices, gaming apps, and social media platforms. The way that we can provide this issue is to have someone to monitor all these teenagers. Furthermore, teachers must play their part to prevent this issue by teaching their students to be smart online. The teenagers may not be able to get good attention or help at home, so a few courses in class can help. Teach children simple things like keeping photos and passwords hidden, thinking before making an angry or unpleasant reaction, utilising privacy controls to control who sees and comments, turning off public/classroom computers, and keeping their phones locked in group settings to name a fe

        Other than that, Don’t respond or retaliate. Sometimes a reaction is exactly what aggressors are looking for because they think it gives them power over you, and you don’t want to empower a bully. As for retaliating, getting back at a bully turns you into one – and can turn one mean act into a chain reaction. If you can, remove yourself from the situation. If you can’t, sometimes humor disarms or distracts a person from bullying.

        Last but not least, manners and moral values must be implement teenager frequently. This means all people must show a good example, not only parents and teachers when they use social media or other things while using the internet. This way will create a safe and suitable environment for teenagers using the internet. Other than that, subject Sivik must be taught in class and must be a chapter specific about rules and manners while using the internet. Thus, by doing this we can develop teenagers not only intellectually but also have manners in every aspect.

Create New Idea.

        For the new idea to support the solution, the first thing that comes in my mind was every social media gotta have their own restrictions towards those that are trying to cyberbullying. As for an example, Instagram offers a feature called Restrict, which allows you to block people without them knowing it, with the idea that young people may be fearful of reporting or blocking their peers. While for the Twitter offers an enhanced "prompts" feature that suggests thinking twice about sending that mean tweet, giving you the opportunity of sending it, editing it, or just deleting it.

        Secondly, make use of many platforms that teenagers use nowadays. For example we can use social media to raise awareness about harm conducting cyberbullying. We can make short videos that show what cyberbullying victims go through during their time being bullied on the web. Other than that, we can use influencers that have many followers among teenagers to spread awareness about how bad cyberbullying is. Although it is not 100% will work but it is still worth to try it because for sure teenagers will think twice when they want to conduct any activities that will result cyberbullying conduct if they know how bad is cyberbullying to it victims. So basically we need to play some psychology games with them.

         Next, we must log out every personal account if we are using a public computer. In this way, we can avoid data breach because if they have our media social acc or email then can easily get every detail about us that can make things worse. Other than that, don't offer someone the tiniest chance to impersonate us or disclose fraudulent information, just as we wouldn't share your passwords. We also run the danger of the bully changing your password and keeping us out for an extended length of time if we stay logged in.

        Other than that,report the bully to the authorities.Most young people don’t tell their parents about bullying online or offline. So, if your child’s losing sleep or doesn’t want to go to school or seems agitated when on their computer or phone, ask why as calmly and open-heartedly as possible. Feel free to ask if it has anything to do with mean behavior or social issues. However, even if it does, don’t assume it’s bullying. You won’t know until you get the full story, starting with your child’s perspective.Once you know they are being cyberbullied, tell your school administration, the online service providers, mentor, law enforcement, etc. Whom you contact is all determined on where the bullying is taking place. If the cyberbully has threatened you, your family, or anyone else with physical harm you need to contact the police immediately, or have your parents file a report if you are a minor.

        Last but not least, we must protect our password from leaks. Keep our password and other personal information safe from curious colleagues.We don't want bullies to be able to spread false, private, and embarrassing information or photographs on your social media profiles or via email to the entire school. For a solution, we also can strengthen our password by enabling a verification of login into an account. For example, we can activate our face ID or fingerprint for our bank account. If we want to see the same balance goes to a media social account we must activate the authorised verification code for log on into the account. As a result we can prevent cyber bullies from getting our information , if they breach our media social account then we’ll get notified and change the password immediately.
